Procer recruits Inspectors & Engineers for one of its Clients, for QC/QC Services in South Korea.
The targeted positions are:
1. Administrative
2. Coating Painting Inspector
3. Dimensional Control Inspector
4. Flange management Inspector
5. IecEx Inspector
6. Lead IecEx Inspector
7. Lead Material receipt Inspector
8. Lead Painting and Insulation
9. Lead Welding and NDT Inspector
10. Material Receipt Inspector
11. NDT Inspector
12. Preservation Inspector
13. Planning & Control Engineer
14. Cost Controller & Reporting Engineer
15. Data & Document Controller
16. Quality Surveyor
17. Welding Inspector
If interested, please send your CV at and and please advise regarding:
1. Position you apply for
2. Your current status and availability (departure point)
3. Your level of English